Wellhead Compressor Units are used to relieve the gas pressure on well sites and prevent liquid loading from occurring, increasing production and profitability. Depending on the reservoir and characteristics of the well, the use of a wellhead compressor can increase the life of the well by up to 10 years. San Juan Compression's packages are designed with efficiency in mind and the purpose of helping you get the most out of each and every well. Our engineering team will work with you to make sure that every solution is catered to your specific needs.
Gas Drive w/ LeRoi Rotary Screw
350, 454, 454 H.O., 466 T.A.
Heavy-duty construction
Ranges from 20 to 350 PSIG
Integral gearing
Longer bearing life
Variable VI/internal porting
Non-Certified Engines meet 2012 Emission specs (1/2 gram p/bhp/hr)
Containment over 1-1/2 times skid fluid volume
Cooling System - KIM-KOOL
Rugged, all steel construction
OEM replacements and custom units
After-coolers internally coated
Control Panel - Murphy
Murphy TTDJ shutdown controller
Digital tachometer/hour meter
Required pressure and temperature sensors
Weatherproof enclosure
Can be Class 1 and Division II rated